40 Day Abundance

Affiliate Program

Get Rewarded for Sharing the Abundance!


Here's How It Works!


Abundance is a mindset - and where your focus goes energy grows. What better way to bring more prosperity into your own life than to share abundance with others. 

When you sign up as an affiliate to the 40-Day Abundance process, you will be able to share the program with your network. When 3 people sign up using your unique affiliate link, you will be able to:

purchase the 3-Day Live Prep Sessions with Iyanla for just $33 ($99 value). 

Let's grow Abundance Nation together and call in prosperity for 2023. 


What To Expect

We know the technical side of things can be a little overwhelming, and want you to feel great about earning this special bonus, so here's an inside view of what to expect!

Step 1: Your Affiliate Dashboard

When you sign up to the affiliate program, you'll be taken to this Dashboard page. This is where you'll find your unique sharing link for the Abundance program - this is the link for you to share with your people. 

Step 2: Tracking Your Link

If you log into your dashboard, you'll see when people use your link to sign up for the Abundance Process. In your affiliate dashboard, it will show each person who signs up as a credit of around 6%. Don't worry too much about this number - our team will be monitoring sign-ups and ensuring you receive the bonus when you hit 3!

Step 3: Getting Your Discount

Our Customer Service team will be monitoring affiliate sign ups each day, and once you hit 3, we will email you a discount code which you can use to purchase the Live Prep Sessions for only $33. That's $66 off just for sharing abundance with the ones you love.

If you have any concerns, you may also email us at [email protected]

Get Rewarded for Sharing the Abundance!